Royal Mail offers free parcel collection service until end of 2022

Royal Mail has launched a £0 promotion of its doorstep collection service, Parcel Collect, until the end of they year when customers book online from today [16 August] until 23:59 on 31st December.

With Parcel Collect, customers who already have a label can arrange for their postie to collect their parcel from their doorstep, or if they aren’t going to be home they can select a safe space to leave the parcel.

Royal Mail collects from customers as part of a postie’s daily round, which means customers don’t have to get in their cars or use public transport to send a parcel – resulting in fewer additional emissions and less congestion. Royal Mail added it already has the lowest reported CO2e emissions per parcel amongst major UK delivery companies.

Nick Landon, chief commercial officer at Royal Mail, said: “Because it’s so convenient, Parcel Collect has been incredibly successful since it was launched [in October 2020].

“Everyone knows when their postie delivers so it’s really convenient to arrange for them to collect anything that needs to be sent or returned at the same time. We can collect from a safe place if customers aren’t going to be in and who better to do that safely than the postie who knows you and your home.

“To top it off, if you don’t have a printer just let us know and we’ll bring the label with us. Until the end of December you can do this for £0 so there’s no reason not to try this fantastic new service. Parcel Collect is part of our commitment to continuously make our services more convenient as we re-invent the way we deliver to and from our customers.”

Recent research from Royal Mail revealed over a quarter (29%) of those polled already have their parcel collected from home. While 55% responded that they are likely to consider using Parcel Collect. Royal Mail said it expected the use of the service to continue to grow strongly.

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