Ecological clothing, also known as “sustainable fashion”, “ethical fashion” or “slow Fashion”, is a progressive trend within the world of cheap clothes online fashion.
This seeks to create and promote an alternative social movement through which to raise public awareness, not only about the great impact that the textile industry has on the ecosystem, but also about the precarious working conditions with which most of the garments are made clothing, which is currently available within the largest and most popular fashion chains.
Thus, sustainable fashion consists of that which is produced taking into account the environmental and social impact that its development will have, so that it can be said that ecological clothing is that which is created from fabrics that come from responsible cultivation throughout its life cycle.
Considering mainly that in order to carry out the development of organic clothing, it is essential that non-toxic products are used, whose production cycle is really respectful, and that has a working hand with good conditions, as well as with labor rights and living wages.
It should also be mentioned that the commitment shown by sustainable fashion to reduce carbon emissions is very significant, because ecological clothing is usually made by planning and reducing emissions not only of said gas, but also of others that promote greenhouse effect.
Likewise, in terms of production and marketing for sustainable fashion, certain factors are usually taken into consideration, for example, the complete absence of plastics or other products that can be potentially polluting, and / or harmful to the environment.
Within the manufacture of ecological clothing, in addition, the use of ecological dyes is usually included not only when dyeing the fabrics, but also when printing the patterns.
In any case, it is worth mentioning that too truly commit to sustainable fashion, companies must adhere to the following requirements:
- Establish production processes within which it is possible to save water, or where rivers are not polluted throughout the washing stage of ready-made clothing.
- Install factories where it is exclusively committed to the use of renewable energies, which are capable of complying with the corresponding legal standards in terms of health and safety at work.
- Make sure to bet on a type of production that guarantees that its products are completely “forest friendly” and “animal friendly”.
Sustainable Trend Boom
The demand for this type of garment is on the rise, as indicated by the fact that more and more recognized fashion chains are committed to joining this trend, presenting their own initiatives.
And is that when talking about sustainability, reference is made to a growing trend in many companies, either as part of a strategy, and because they are committed to adopting this type of movement in a more tactical way.
In any case, experts say that when joining this movement, companies must be quite careful. This is due to the fact that consumers of this type of garment are perfectly informed and tend to be very critical regarding the so-called “green washing”.
In other words, with marketing that presents a product as sustainable when in reality it is not. Regarding the price, regardless of the increasing number of consumers who bet on this booming fashion, the truth is that they are not willing to pay huge amounts to acquire it.
In fact, they are interested in buying designer clothes, without having to give up an attractive price / quality ratio. We at wholesale plus size clothes store know that, and that is why we make sure to work only with companies that guarantee the sustainability of their products and also offer prices in line with their eco-friendly certified garments.
Who Uses Ecological Fashion?
There is no doubt that ecological or sustainable fashion is booming, as evidenced by its recent and constant introduction within the most famous catwalks in the world of fashion.
So it can be said that there is more and more ecological awareness and as time passes, the number of voices demanding a sustainable and ecological fashion exclusively based on ethical principles increases.
That is why we can see that this movement has even managed to see itself represented among various celebrities in the world of cinema, such as Emma Watson and Anne Hathaway.
What Types Of Sustainable Garments Are There?
Nowadays it is possible to find a totally sustainable wardrobe and wear the latest trends wearing ecological fashion garments from head to toe.
And it is that with the passage of time, it is more common for ecological fashion brands to present collections made up of sustainable garments of all kinds, for example, t-shirts, underwear, sweatshirts, jeans, sweaters, footwear and in some cases, also sunglasses, like the ones you can find in our online store wholesale7.
Sustainable fashion shows that we can make a responsible consumption of clothing without having to give up dressing well, so it is convenient to find out what to buy and where to do it.
That is why at we offer the possibility of finding a wide collection of sustainable and ecological garments from various brands.