Depending on your lifestyle and daily needs, choosing fashionable clothing might not merely involve choosing attire that looks impressive. Although choosing attractive garments might be your main goal, you also need to remember that clothing is often meant to serve a variety of practical purposes.
The specific nature of those purposes can vary depending on a range of factors. For example, maybe you have a concealed carry permit. Naturally, your motivation for obtaining such a permit is to be able to carry a firearm without others being aware that you are doing so. This can theoretically allow you to respond quickly in emergencies without making yourself a target by essentially advertising to a shooter that you are carrying a weapon that could result in you being a threat to them.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that the clothes you wear can play a significant role in the degree to which you’re actually able to hide a gun successfully. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to sacrifice fashion by wearing excessively roomy clothes when you have a firearm on you. These tips are popular recommendations concealed carry permit holders often suggest to those who want to keep their guns hidden without wearing less-than-stylish attire:
Wear Concealed Carry Pants
Products for concealed carry permit holders don’t merely consist of firearms themselves. Many companies further serve the needs of those with concealed carry permits by offering clothing that is meant to strike a balance between comfort and style while also effectively preventing others from noticing that someone is carrying a gun.
Concealed carry pants are available in a number of colors and cuts. What they all have in common is one essential factor: they keep guns hidden when used correctly. Give a few pairs a try to find those which appeal to your tastes.
Try a Purse
Researching your state’s concealed carry laws is essential whenever you wish to take a gun out of your home while also hiding it. The specific details of these laws can vary from one state to another, and thus, the manner in which you may conceal a firearm in one state might not necessarily be permitted in another state.
That said, if you regularly go out with a purse on hand anyway, you might use a stylish purse to hide a gun. Similarly, some concealed carry permit holders recommend using fanny packs to hide firearms. This is particularly ideal in warm weather, when the type of attire that is designed for the purpose of concealing a gun may be too bulky for comfort.
That said, if you also tend to keep additional items in your purse or fanny pack, practice safely and quickly retrieving your gun from said purse or fanny pack before making this a regular habit. You need to be confident that, should the need ever arise, you will be able to reach your gun fast without accidentally discharging it when attempting to do so.
Get a Shoulder Holster
This is a tip worth keeping in mind if you tend to dress in different types of outfits depending on where you’re going or what you’re doing on a particular day. Many concealed carry permit holders find that a shoulder holster is a versatile solution because numerous types of tops (from relatively casual button-up shirts to formal suits) are effective at hiding shoulder holsters. While shoulder holsters are more useful as means of concealing slim guns, with the right top, they can allow you to keep even slightly bulkier handguns out of view.
Just remember that finding the right clothes for hiding firearms can involve some degree of experimentation. You may have to give a few different types of outfits a try before finding which work best. However, you simply need to remember that keeping a firearm concealed doesn’t need to require wearing unappealing garments.