On Small Business Saturday, shop women-owned stores in New England

Mark A. Carlson

All pandemic long, women who own small businesses have hustled to make ends meet and see their dreams realized.

And Saturday, Nov. 27 will provide an opportunity to support them wherever you live, as shopping for the holiday season gets underway with the 12th annual Small Business Saturday.

Backed by American Express beginning in 2010, Small Business Saturday always occurs on the weekend after Thanksgiving. The idea is to get people to “shop small” or “shop local,” a contrast to doing business at big box stores owned by large corporations, which many do the frenzied day before, on Black Friday.

More:Female small-business owners faced extra hurdles during pandemic shutdowns

Women business ownership in the U.S. is on the rise, according to Census data, but it still lags that of men. For women of color specifically, the likelihood of owning a business is even less, due to structural racism and barriers. A 2020 overview of U.S. women-owned business published by Fundera, however, showed promising numbers. Of the new women-owned businesses from the year before, 64% were started by women of color.

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