Three nonprofits win shopping spree from United Way of Marquette County

Mark A. Carlson

MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WLUC) – At Meijer in Marquette Township, local nonprofits of Marquette and Alger counties filled their carts with crucial items.

“{The first portion was} laundry detergent, dish soap, Clorox wipes, and the such just to make sure that our shelter and our offices stay clean,” said Hannah Holma, the Program Director for the Women’s Center. “And then the second portion of it was insuring that our fridge and pantry are stocked.”

The Michigan Income Tax Check-off Fund paid for the trip. The United Way of Marquette County hosted it. It is the organization’s first-ever Basic Needs Shopping Spree.

“When people were filing their 2020 income tax returns, they could do the Voluntary Contribution Form,” explained UWMC’s Program Coordinator, Holly Michelin. “It gives you a chance to donate to I think ten different charities. One of them is the United Way Fund for all of Michigan, and this was our portion of those funds.”

Wednesday’s nonprofits were chosen through a nomination process on Facebook. Facebook users were invited to like, comment, and share on the specific post. Three people were randomly selected to nominate which nonprofits they wanted to benefit. Selected first, Women’s Center board member Mary Moe chose her agency for the $500 spree.

“Giving back to our community means a lot to me,” Moe said. “Volunteering with the board of directors for the women’s center is also close to my heart and also giving back to the most vulnerable of our population.”

“If we didn’t have places like united way, agencies, or community members like Mary Moe that donated back to us, we would be in a whole different financial situation as an agency,” Holma stated

Bay Cliff Health Camp and the Negaunee Senior Center each received $125. Bay Cliff bought sheets for its boys bunk house, and the senior center picked up necessities for the center and an upcoming fundraising trip.

“We really wanted to make a fun way that people can know exactly what they need, get it in their hands right away, and make sure it stays local,” Michelin said.

UWMC and the participating nonprofits hope the Basic Needs Shopping Spree will happen again next year, and they want people to remember that the price of giving back to the community is priceless.

Copyright 2021 WLUC. All rights reserved.

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