These are the things we had on Otis’ birthday list. We have so much stuff that he really didn’t NEED anything but you know I will always spoil these special boys!! I tried to think of things that did not take up a ton of space (except the play piece for outside). I will call out a few favorites below.

Garmin vívofit® jr. 3 Kids Fitness Tracker smart watch: Otis’ cousin (hey Jace!) who is 1.5 years older has this watch and Otis was obsessed so he got this as a gift. What is great is that it tracks his steps, his sleep (he sleeps in the watch and never takes it off), and is waterproof so he wears it constantly. It also is supposed to stay charged for like a year or something which is wild. A feature I love is that you can set a timer on the watch. Works great for transitioning between activities and he feels pretty cool that he has the timer on his own arm!

Melissa & Doug Slice and Bake Wooden Cookie Play Food Set: Otis forever will love pretend food so we got this to add to his play kitchen. BIG hit.

train set: This set is really cool because Otis set’s it up himself and then the “trains” run automatically with a battery so it’s a fun different set for him to play with. Also Duke love’s to chase it around. Bonus!

Dome climber: I was pretty excited about this because I didn’t want to spend for a big swing set this year but this climber is soomething that Otis can grow into and it’s pretty reasonable for such a big item.

shop 4 year old birthday gifts:

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