Spring Ahead Styles

Spring is just about here and at ALOR we love when a new season comes around- new season means new fashion trends! Looking at what’s on the runways and what is up and coming we decided to spring ahead in the style department and listed some of our favorite finds. […]


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Why Polypropylene?

You don’t have to read back too far through this blog to see that my work has changed quite a bit over the last couple of years. I used silver and resin for several years and my work seemed to do quite well. I sold through galleries, online and through […]


HOW TO WEAR YOUR ENGAGEMENT RING  We live in a society and everyone belongs to some community. Every one of us represents a community. We follow so many rituals. Everyone knows the importance of marriage in his or her life. Marriage is the beginning of a new life. It is […]

eBOOK: Build supply chain agility

Optimising the supply chain has been an international focus across industries during the past decade. In recent years, the term “supply chain” has been on the lips of every manufacturer, supplier, retailer – and consumer. Shelves are lacking products, prices are skyrocketing, and the challenges range from input costs and […]

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