Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 760

Mark A. Carlson

I hope your angels are with you today and every day! So…what is the Monday Poll? Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday […]

Is clean makeup just a hoax?

Mark A. Carlson

There is a lot of talk about clean makeup (or clean cosmetic), but does clean makeup really make a difference or is it just a hoax or even a marketing strategy by brands? This is honestly not that easy and simple to answer and I wish we could just fast […]

Holiday Makeup Looks I’m Loving Right Now

Mark A. Carlson

Happy Friday! Christmas is just around the corner and we’ve nearly made it through the entire year! If you’re in search of some makeup looks for the holiday season I have three to share with you today with favorites from Nordstrom. These are all super easy to recreate in under […]

Eye Makeup & Face Makeup

Mark A. Carlson

Providing all ladies and men worldwide the very best of cosmetics, haircare and perfume by way of quality, efficacy and safety. Kita tidak dapat menghindari dampak pengaruh media massa termasuk menyebar luasnya perkembangan vogue saat ini. Dengan media massa fashion di seluruh dunia dengan mudah terupdate sehingga kita dapat mengikuti […]

30 Greatest Makeup Manufacturers Every Woman Should Know

Mark A. Carlson

Offering all ladies and men worldwide the perfect of cosmetics, haircare and fragrance when it comes to quality, efficacy and safety. Pada pertengahan hingga akhir 1900-an, gaya Afrika-Amerika berubah dan berkembang seiring perkembangan zaman. Sekitar tahun 1950-an benar-benar ketika komunitas kulit hitam mampu menciptakan gaya mereka sendiri yang berbeda. Istilah […]

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