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Mia Trudeau of Hilton & Hyland has spent nearly two decades representing some of Los Angeles’ most distinctive properties, including Liongate, a sumptuous estate designed and built in the late 1930s by Paul Williams. Born and raised in Lincoln, Neb., Trudeau learned the ropes of real estate from her family, who have been immersed in the trade for decades. After leaving a career in the fashion industry, she settled in Los Angeles, and created the promotions and events company, Aim Productions. Last year she and her fiancé, Janik Roskovani, founded Plank & Stone, a retail shop conceived as a place for designers, architects, re-modelers, and developers to work together surrounded by a carefully curated selection of building materials.
Describe the most beautiful room you’ve ever been in. St. Stephens Cathedral in Vienna, Austria.
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What is your favorite architectural style? Modern
What is your idea of the perfect view? The view from my home in Sherman Oaks bordering on Studio City. From my main living area we have a massive head-on view of the San Gabriel Mountain Range, a part of the Transverse Mountain Ranges. Framed by trees and filled with birds, it has an almost Central Park feeling, with green tree tops and sparkling city lights at night.
Where would you most like to live? Where I live now, in Sherman Oaks. I’ve lived on seven continents and dream of one day living on a peaceful Island, or in a metropolitan city somewhere in Europe. I also dream of building a resort in the countryside between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.
As a child, which room of the house did you spend the most time in? My bedroom. I was always moving my furniture about, redecorating and dancing to my Michael Jackson albums.
What is the one thing you can’t live without? My fiancé, Janik Roskovani. My heart and soul and best friend.
What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? Many of my friends work in real estate, and I love that they’re all so smart. They’re also quite diverse.
What is your greatest fear? Losing someone I love to a tragic accident. I suffered this loss at the age of 16 when my sister, Jennifer, age 18, was killed by a drunk driver a mile from our country home.
Does social media give people false expectations of life? It depends on how seriously you take it. Social media is a form of advertising and is a useful tool in business for getting your story out there. However, to measure your self-worth by it, or by how may likes or followers you have, is a dangerous and grave mistake.
Which three people, living or dead, would you invite to your dinner party? Audrey Hepburn, Johnny Carson (he’s from Nebraska like me), and Tom Hanks, one of my all-time favorite actors.
What aspect of your personality has created the most problems for you in life? I am a perfectionist.
Who is your favorite architect? Zaha Hadid
Which song always makes you cry? “All By Myself” by Celine Dion. My mom used to tell me that she always thought of me when she heard that song while I was thousands of miles away working as a fashion model; I cry when I hear it because I remember how much we missed each other.
What’s the proper course of action when everything around you is falling apart? Pause and take a moment, make a plan, and stick to it.
When did you first fall in love? Four years ago, when I met my one and only love, Janik Roskovani. We’d planned to marry this year, but we may postpone due to the Covid-19 situation. Or we might just elope and have a big party when it’s safe to do so.
When was the last time you surprised yourself? I was dealing with a difficult situation at work, and I surprised myself when I stood up for myself and managed to articulate exactly what I needed to say. I’ve been told this is one of my strong suits.
What is the most challenging thing about aging? Achy bones and feet. I feel more lovable now than I did when I was younger, and I take care of myself so I don’t notice the age so much. The thought of life passing by quickly makes me a bit sad.
What was desperately important to you when you were young that no longer seems quite so pressing? What others thought of me. I’m happy with myself and no longer find it important what others think.
Which movie can you watch over and over again? “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
What is your definition of luxury? Something that isn’t exactly essential but is expensive, desirable or valuable and provides great comfort. I don’t think you should do without luxury if you can afford to have it.
What is your greatest extravagance? I like to spend money on my homes. This is the most important investment one will ever make.
What’s the most widely held misconception about money? That it defines you. Money is freedom and it gives you the means to experience things in life that bring you joy.
What is your idea of fun? Sailing through the Mediterranean on a yacht with friends and a bottle of rosé, going to see a live DJ set, hiking through the mountains with my dog, Gabe.
When and where were you happiest? I am happiest right now. Never been happier.
How would you like to die? In my sleep when I am much, much older.
Which talent would you most like to have? I love to paint and write and I think I have a talent for both, but haven’t had the time to do much of either. Sing for sure, and that I can’t do well.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? My career and the relationships I’ve built along the way.
What’s your idea of an important achievement? Something you set out to do which isn’t easy, and you are recognized for it. It may not always go the way you plan, but it becomes a part of defining your strength.
What is your most treasured possession? My home
Who are your heroes? My dad and mom. They taught me a lot about values and being patient and kind, and I really look up to them for their marriage of 51 years.
What is your greatest regret? I don’t have any really.
What’s the most significant historical event that’s occurred over the course of your life? Wasn’t 9/11 pretty significant? We lost a lot of freedoms we once had.
What’s important to you today? Being at peace with myself, loving my friends and family, and having fun!
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