United Way of Reno County hosts Shop Local Give Local

Mark A. Carlson

Memorial Hall in downtown Hutchinson bustled with shoppers visiting various booths filled with 14 local boutiques from Reno County on Nov. 9. Later in the evening, the lights dimmed to showcase Hutchinson fashion.

Community members were encouraged to get involved with their community through the United Way of Reno County.

Shelby Harner, owner of Sugar Creek Boutique, fixes one of the clothing items showcasing her small business at the United Way of Reno County's first Shop Local Give Local event on Nov. 9, 2021, at Memorial Hall.

Giving back to the community

The United Way partnered with local boutiques to showcase local businesses the region supports. The evening began with refreshments, snacks and open shopping, followed by a fashion show displaying the clothes the local boutiques sell and ended with an announcement from United Way thanking the attendees.

Executive director of United Way of Reno County, Lisa Gleason said this idea came from a minor event from past years. However, since Amy Kraft from Kraft Electric joined the United Way as campaign co-chair this year, she decided to make it larger. Gleason said they plan to continue the event in following years.

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